西番蓮   Passiflora


西番蓮(passiflora incarnate)植物是一種廣泛種植的多年生攀緣植物,已被用於傳統醫學。它原產於美國西南部(得克薩斯州南部和亞利桑那州)、墨西哥、加勒比地區、中美洲和南美洲大部分地區。這種植物在陽光充足的地方生長,一天中至少有一半時間需要陽光直射。

長期以來,西番蓮花在傳統草藥中被視爲鎮靜、抗痙攣和抗高血壓的藥物。 西番蓮被列入法國、德國和瑞士的國家藥典,也被列入英國草藥藥典和德國標準許可證、德國同濟藥典、美國同濟藥典和埃及藥典中。




  • 支持放鬆的感覺和良好的睡眠
  • 支持低壓力和緊張以及低血壓
  • 有助於減少胃部炎症和治癒潰瘍

  • 用水吞服1-2茶匙,每天兩次

    容量   200g

    *保證正品:印度商店與印度當地直營店合作,快速地將近期生產, 可信賴的正品入手後寄送給您。
    *讓您安心的有效期限:我們將印度新鮮流通銷售的產品直接空運給您, 提供有充分有效期限的新鮮產品給您。
    *印度阿育吠陀草藥被世界衛生組織(WHO)認可爲 "無副作用的替代藥物", 是安全和有效的100%天然草本產品。 但是, 懷孕期間要謹慎使用。



    Passiflora (passiflora incarnate) plant is a widely grown perennial climber, and has been used in traditional medicine. It is native to the South-western United States (Southern Texas and Arizona), Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and much of South America. The plants grow in full sun and need direct sunlight for at least half of the day.
    Passiflora flowers have long been valued in traditional herbal medicine as sedative, anti spasmodic & anti hypertensive.  Passion flower is included in the national pharmacopeia’s of France, Germany, and Switzerland, and is also monographed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia and in the German Standard Licences, the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, and the Pharmacopeia of Egypt.
    Passion flower’s scientific study was found to contain Flavonoids & Indole Alkaloids which are useful for treating mental overwork, nervous irritability, general restlessness, and nerve and menstrual pain. Passionflower was indicated for use in calming the nervous system and for allaying spasmodic conditions. It is useful remedy for people who worry too much or for those that exhaust themselves.
    Passiflora supports good quality of Sleep and helps to eliminate ill effects of insomnia.


    • Supports Relaxed Feelings & Sound sleep
    • Supports low Stress & Strain and low blood pressure
    • It is helpful to reduce gastric inflammation & heal ulcers


    1-2 teaspoons with water twice daily

    SIZE  200g