有機辣木葉粉末     在罐子裏

產品特點 -

格林納拉營養品公司的辣木粉是一種超級食品膳食補充劑,含有90種營養素和46種抗氧化劑。我們在自己的農場種植和加工有機辣木,說你是世界上唯一經過認證的有機辣木粉。將Grenera Nutrients的Moringa粉添加到你的生活方式中,就像在你最喜歡的冰沙配方中添加一勺一樣簡單。辣木葉粉含有豐富的營養成分。辣木葉經過精心研磨和加工,留下的是完全素食的、充滿力量的、純粹的補充劑,可以促進你的健康制度。每天兩小份就夠了。理想情況下,辣木粉是一種很好的餐桌調味品。與其他草藥不同,辣木粉不是很好的主料,因爲烹飪會破壞其大部分營養成分。有些人將其與水和一捻檸檬一起服用,或與他們最喜歡的飲料一起服用。


成  分




容量     240g

Organic Moringa Leaf Powder   in jar


Moringa Powder by Grenera Nutrients is a superfood dietary supplement that contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants. We grow and process our own organic moringa trees on our farms, saying you big on the world’s only certified organic moringa powder. Adding Moringa Powder by Grenera Nutrients to your lifestyle is as simple as adding a scoop to your favorite smoothie recipe. Moringa Leaf Powder is in rich in nutrients. Moringa leaves are carefully grind and processed, leaving a completely vegetarian, power packed and pure supplement to boost your health regime. Two small portions per day is all you need. Ideally, moringa powder is a great table condiment. Unlike other herbs, moringa powder is not a good main ingredient, as cooking destroys most of its nutrients. Some people take it with water and a twist of lemon or with their favorite beverage.



100% Pure Organic Moringa Oleifera Powder


Add 1 Scoop of Moringa Powder to your favorite beverage or smoothie and shake well for proper mixing. Moringa Powder tastes better with cold beverages.

SIZE  240g有机辣木叶粉末     在罐子里

产品特色 -

格林纳拉营养品公司的辣木粉是一种超级食品膳食补充剂,含有90种营养素和46种抗氧化剂。我们在自己的农场种植和加工有机辣木,说你是世界上唯一经过认证的有机辣木粉。将Grenera Nutrients的Moringa粉添加到你的生活方式中,就像在你最喜欢的冰沙配方中添加一勺一样简单。辣木叶粉含有丰富的营养成分。辣木叶经过精心研磨和加工,留下的是完全素食的、充满力量的、纯粹的补充剂,可以促进你的健康制度。每天两小份就够了。理想情况下,辣木粉是一种很好的餐桌调味品。与其他草药不同,辣木粉不是很好的主料,因为烹饪会破坏其大部分营养成分。有些人将其与水和一捻柠檬一起服用,或与他们最喜欢的饮料一起服用。


成  分




容量     240g

Organic Moringa Leaf Powder   in jar


Moringa Powder by Grenera Nutrients is a superfood dietary supplement that contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants. We grow and process our own organic moringa trees on our farms, saying you big on the world’s only certified organic moringa powder. Adding Moringa Powder by Grenera Nutrients to your lifestyle is as simple as adding a scoop to your favorite smoothie recipe. Moringa Leaf Powder is in rich in nutrients. Moringa leaves are carefully grind and processed, leaving a completely vegetarian, power packed and pure supplement to boost your health regime. Two small portions per day is all you need. Ideally, moringa powder is a great table condiment. Unlike other herbs, moringa powder is not a good main ingredient, as cooking destroys most of its nutrients. Some people take it with water and a twist of lemon or with their favorite beverage.



100% Pure Organic Moringa Oleifera Powder


Add 1 Scoop of Moringa Powder to your favorite beverage or smoothie and shake well for proper mixing. Moringa Powder tastes better with cold beverages.

SIZE  240g