紅色標籤 阿薩姆紅茶



根據不同的類型,茶葉要麼被磨成粉狀,要麼保持半粉狀狀態來泡茶。如果你選擇紅標自然護理,你將有五種成分,如mulethi, ashwagandha, tulsi, cardamom 和 ginger,這些成分可以提高免疫系統。

- 茶葉含有黃酮類化合物,包括強大的抗氧化特性,並減少氧化壓力。兒茶素是一種強大的類黃酮,大量存在於茶中。- 每天喝三到五杯茶可以降低卵巢癌、乳腺癌和前列腺癌的風險。- 衆所周知,綠茶對降低帕金森病的風險也有幫助。

容量    500g
*保證正品:印度商店與印度當地直營店合作,快速地將近期生產, 可信賴的正品入手後寄送給您。
*讓您安心的有效期限:我們將印度新鮮流通銷售的產品直接空運給您, 提供有充分有效期限的新鮮產品給您。

Red Label Tea


Red Label Tea has been a household name for tea in India. It is available in various flavours such as Red Label Natural flavour which combines Ayurvedic ingredients with quality tea, Red Label Dust which has strong aroma and Red Label Special which has sustained flavour and superior colour.

Depending on the type, the tea leaves are ground either to a dusty powder or kept in a semi-dust state for tea. If you are opting for Red Label Natural Care, you will have five ingredients such as mulethi, ashwagandha, tulsi, cardamom and ginger which boost the immunity system.

• Tea contains flavonoids which includes strong antioxidant properties and reduces oxidative stress. Catechin is a type of powerful floavonoid which is present in tea in abundance. • Three to five cups of tea a day can reduce the risks of ovarian, breast and prostate cancer. • Green tea is also known to be useful for lowering the risks of Parkinson’s disease.

SIZE    500g