
Pure & Natural

產品特色 -

肉桂也被稱爲Cinnamomum zeylanicum。這是一種中等大小的常綠樹種,可長到16米高。部分成熟的嫩枝的乾燥內樹皮主要用於商業。肉桂樹皮的油呈淡黃色至深黃色。這種樹原產於印度尼西亞,但在印度和斯里蘭卡也有栽培。它的大部分花都很微妙,圓錐花序的淡黃色花朵一般比葉子長。這種肉桂樹皮精油被賦予了非常強的抗真菌和抗菌活性。




容量     15ml

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Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Pure & Natural


Cinnamon is also known by the name of Cinnamomum zeylanicum. This is a moderately sized evergreen tree that grows up to 16 meters in height. The dried inner bark of the partially matured shoot is mainly used for commerce. The oil of cinnamon bark is pale yellow to dark yellow in color. This tree is native to Indonesia but it is also cultivated in India and Sri Lanka. Most of its flowers are subtle and the panicles of yellowish flowers are generally longer than leaves. This cinnamon bark essential oil is endowed with very strong antifungal and antibacterial activities.

The word Kinnamon means pipe or tube. It is used for different purposes like in the manufacture of temple incense, for foot massage and is considered as the perfect remedy for excessive bile. It is also valued much for its immense use in love lotions, mulled wines and sedatives. It is cultivated all across the world for varieties of different reasons. Medical practitioners are trying their best to use Cinnamon bark essential oil as a single remedy for multiple solutions. Four to seven inches long leaves and height up to approximately thirty feet are some of its significant attributes.


Bacterial or Fungal Infections: Add 15-20 drops of cinnamon bark oil in warm water and soak feet for 15 minutes. Repeat this step for 4-5 days to attain utmost relief from warts, athlete’s foot, bunions

SIZE  15ml