





薄荷醇 Menthol 來自薄荷油的薄荷醇使口氣持久保持清新,具有鎮定及鎮痛功效。

杏仁 ALmond,含有富的單寧,具有收緊牙齦收斂特性。杏仁殼內含具有除自由基(活性氧)特性類化合物、類黃類。

鳳梨 Pineapple 含有稱作鳳梨酵素的天然酵素溫和去除牙齒琺瑯質上的污漬。

木瓜 Papaya 含有木瓜酵素,是溫和的美白劑,清除牙齒琺瑯質上的漬。

肉桂 Cinnamon 具有抗菌特性,緩解口臭並給於清涼感。

丁香 Clove 內含具有麻醉功效,稱作丁香的植物化合物,可緩解疼痛。丁香精油具有消毒功效,有助於消除口腔細菌。


容量   150g



What it does:

Himalaya's Sparkling White Toothpaste is a breakthrough herbal formulation based on plant enzyme technology that gently removes surface stains on your teeth. It contains papain and bromelain, enzymes present in Papaya and Pineapple, which safely whiten teeth. Miswak and Clove provide all-day protection from germs.

Key ingredients:

  • Miswak inhibits the build-up of dental plaque and is therefore beneficial in the prevention of tooth decay. The herb reduces gum inflammation, prevents gum bleeding, and its astringent property strengthens gums.
  • Menthol from mint oils has cooling and analgesic properties which give long lasting fresh breath.
  • Almond, rich in tannins, has astringent properties that tighten gums. Almond Shell contains triterpenoids, flavonoids and phenolics, which possess free radical scavenging properties.
  • Pineapple contains a natural enzyme, bromelian, which loosens stains on tooth enamel.
  • Papaya contains an enzyme, papain, which is a mild whitening agent and is used in toothpastes to remove enamel stains.
  • The antimicrobial properties of Cinnamon prevent mouth odor and freshen breath.
  • Clove contains an anesthetic chemical compound called eugenol, which numbs nerves and controls pain. The essential oil of Clove is also an antiseptic which helps to eliminate oral bacteria.

Directions for use:

Squeeze a small amount of Sparkling White Toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush teeth. Brush twice daily for optimal results.