

喜馬拉雅的草本全效呵護牙膏,使用多種具有抗氧化功效的珍貴草本,專門為強健牙齒及牙齦而所設計。亞熱帶喜馬拉雅山脈的山谷中發現的竹葉花椒樹(Toothache Tree)對於牙齦出血非常有效具有檸檬味的樹緩解牙痛,已被用於世界各地的家庭療法。內含在草本全效呵護牙膏的苦楝及石榴成分,清除細菌,全天保護牙齒。草本全效呵護牙膏不僅可以從引發蛀牙的細菌中保護牙齒及牙齦,並具有排毒功效的抗氧化特性,幫助牙齦保持自然健康。




印度阿拉伯Indian Gum Arabic Tree's  新鮮樹枝使用於保護牙齦牙齒。樹皮提取物內含具有抗化特性單寧成分

苦楝 Pomegranate 已被使用數百年,非常有效全面性的口腔衛生。

三果實Triphala 具有收斂功效,阻止牙齦出血。富含具有抗化特性單寧和類化合物,有效於口腔潰瘍。

寬葉羊角芹 Bishop's Weed阿育吠陀中非常受矚目的草,被使用於各種家庭療法。具有口腔新、消毒、收斂驅風功效

白花酸藤果 False Black Pepper  具有抗炎特性,有效於舒緩牙齦腫脹。水果富含稱為類化合物的抗化成分。

黃荊Five-Leaved Chaste Tree  緩解口腔內的發炎具有化特性。


容量   150g



What it does:

Himalaya's Complete Care Toothpaste, with its rare selection of herbal ingredients rich in anti- oxidants, has been specially developed to make teeth and gums strong. Toothache Tree, found in the valley of the subtropical Himalayas, is excellent for bleeding gums. This lemon-scented tree has been used in home remedies around the world to relieve toothaches. Neem and Pomegranate in Complete Care Toothpaste fight germs and give your teeth all-day protection.

The new Himalaya Complete Care Toothpaste not only protects teeth and gums from germs, but also has antioxidants that assist in removing toxins, helping your gums maintain their natural health.

Key ingredients:

  • Pomegranate fruit rind has astringent, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Recent studies have shown that Pomegranate also helps to combat dental plaque.
  • Indian Gum Arabic Tree's fresh twigs are used to protect gums and teeth. The bark extract has tannins which are known for their antioxidant properties.
  • Neem has been used for hundreds of years as an extremely effective method of total oral hygiene. Neem bark possesses phenolic and antioxidant activity and also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • Triphala is an astringent which stops gum bleeding. Rich in tannins and phenolic compounds which possess antioxidant properties, the herb helps in healing mouth ulcers.
  • Bishop's Weed, a revered herb in Ayurveda, is used as a home-remedy for various ailments. It has mouth-freshening, antiseptic, astringent and carminative properties.
  • False Black Pepper has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in treating swollen gums. The fruit is rich in the antioxidant component known as flavonoids.
  • Five-Leaved Chaste Tree is valued for its oral anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties.

Directions for use:

Squeeze a small amount of Complete Care Toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush teeth. Brush twice daily for optimal results.