



Aloe Vera 被廣泛使用在阿育吠陀中緩解創傷、燒傷、發炎和其他皮膚疾病的草本具有抗菌和收斂特性,加速緩解受傷皮膚。

Five-Leaved Chaste Tree 具有炎、抗菌和抗菌特性。有效緩解皮膚感染

杏仁Almond 具有極佳的皮膚柔嫩及保濕功效。杏仁內含的維生素A能有效對抗感染,並具有收斂特性有助於緩解皮疹及惱人的傷口等。

印度茜草Indian Madder具有抗菌、抗炎功效的草本,對皮膚有舒緩作用。

硼砂 Sodium Biborate  具有有效的收斂及抗炎功效,有助於加速緩解傷口

天然 Natural Zinc 抗炎及收斂特性,幫助修復皮膚,並使皮膚保持涼爽和乾燥。



容量   20g



What it does:

Himalaya's soothing Antiseptic Cream, which contains Aloe Vera, Almond, Indian Madder and other natural ingredients, is an excellent treatment for cuts, wounds, burns, rashes, sores and fungal skin infections.

Key ingredients:

  • Aloe Vera is used extensively in Ayurveda to treat wounds, burns, dermatitis and other skin ailments. Its antibacterial and astringent properties accelerate the healing of injured skin.

  • Five-Leaved Chaste Tree has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is useful in treating sores and skin infections.

  • Almond is an excellent skin softener and restores the natural moisture of your skin. The vitamin A in the oil fights infections. Its astringent properties help heal irritable sores and skin eruptions.

  • Indian Madder is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent that has a soothing effect on the skin.

  • Sodium Biborate is an effective astringent and antiseptic, which facilitates the healing process.

  • The antiseptic and astringent properties of Natural Zinc keep your skin cool and dry as well as helping heal the skin.

Directions for use:

Apply cream on affected area two to three times daily.

Pack size:
