





印度蒔蘿Indian Dill  有效去除口腔異味

薄荷醇Menthol 來自薄荷油的薄荷醇使口氣持久保持清新,並具有冰鎮及鎮痛功效

茴香Fennel 內含的具有抗菌特性。茴香牙齦的效收斂劑。

丁香Clove 含有稱為丁香的植物性化合物可舒緩疼痛。丁香精油具有抗菌特性,有助於除口腔細菌。具有保護牙齦的收斂抗炎特性。

Cardamom 含有稱為的植物性合物具有抗菌特性,抑制口腔微生物的生長,使牙齦健康和口氣清新


容量   80g



What it does:

Himalaya's Active Fresh Gel is packed with refreshing herbal ingredients that ensure long-lasting fresh breath. Menthol is a natural refreshing agent, Indian Dill prevents mouth odor, while Clove and Fennel are effective natural astringents that tighten gums.

Key ingredients:

  • Miswak inhibits the build-up of dental plaque and is therefore beneficial in the prevention of tooth decay. It reduces gum inflammation, prevents gum bleeding, and its astringent property strengthens gums.
  • Indian Dill is effective in preventing oral odor.
  • Menthol from mint oils has cooling and analgesic properties which give long lasting fresh breath.
  • Fennel contains terpenes, which give the herb its antimicrobial property. Fennel is also a potent astringent that tightens gums.
  • Clove contains an anesthetic chemical compound called eugenol, which numbs nerves and controls pain. The essential oil of Clove is also an antiseptic which helps to eliminate oral bacteria. It also possesses astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that protect gums.
  • Cardamom contains chemical constituents like terpenes, which significantly inhibit the growth of oral microbes, leading to healthy gums and fresh breath.

Directions for use:

Squeeze a small amount of Active Fresh Gel on a toothbrush and brush teeth. Brush twice daily for optimal results.

Pack size:

40g & 80g